Doom Heavy Assault Rifle

#Can you click #Deals Shop for Low Price Diemaco C7 Assault Rifle And Doom Heavy Assault Rifle Devastator Rounds. Doom Heavy Assault Rifle; Assault Rifle Ban; Heavy Assault Rifle Doom 2016; Doom Heavy Assault Rifle; Original DOOM Arsenal. When Doomguy was trapped in that stone sarcophagus the tech level for the weapons that he had available during his fighting in the First Demon Invasion War on Mars were pretty typical of the era, starting with bare knuckles and fists in the worse case scenario,.

  • The Heavy Assault Rifle, or HAR, is a weapon featured in Doom (2016). Based on the description and characteristics, the Heavy Assault Rifle is more like a heavy machine gun than an assault rifle by early 21st century standards. It fires from a closed bolt, but is belt fed. Additionally, it is stated that it fires a.50 caliber FMJ round.
  • Assault rifle: Micro missiles seem flat out better, especially given how hard it is to use a scoped weapon in a doom style shooter? Plasma Rifle: Stun bomb is god. As a get me out of here weapon or a way to lock down a big target so you can burst them. The heat vent seems really bad in comparison, but maybe i'm using it wrong?


This article is about the weapon in Doom Eternal. For other versions of this weapon, see:
The Heavy Cannon without any modifications.
The Heavy Cannon with the Precision Bolt modification.
The Heavy Cannon with the Micro Missiles modification.

The heavy cannon is a multi-purpose automatic rifle which occurs as a weapon in Doom Eternal, replacing the heavy assault rifle from the previous game, with some changes to the modifications and upgrades, although they both function similarly with each other. It is introduced in Hell on Earth, after the second demon encounter.

'Precision weapon, making it good against weakpoints. Good for interrupting mobile demons like the imp.'
  • 3Upgrades
  • 5Pre-release

Tactical analysis[edit]

The heavy cannon is a reliable weapon at medium to long range, requiring no more than two body shots to kill most Fodder monsters. It is not as effective against stronger foes on its own, but can be used to supplement other weapons at long range.

Doom Bottomless Missiles

The precision bolt greatly increases the weapon's accuracy and also deals extra damage to weak spots, enabling one to destroy, for example, the arachnotron's cannon or the revenant's rocket launchers. Using the precision bolt is also the best mod to use to kill Maykr drones as they drop a considerable amount of resources once killed with a headshot. By contrast, micro missiles are best used to deal area-of-effect damage without risking the self-inflicted injury that would come with using the rocket launcher in close quarters.

Doom Heavy Cannon



Doom Heavy Assault Rifle Crosshair

Precision Bolt
Adds a scope to the heavy cannon, greatly increasing its effective range when aiming down the sight. The heavy cannon fires slower and uses six bullets per shot when using the scope, but deals more damage and receives a bonus when targeting weak points. Its shots can also pierce weaker monsters.
Micro Missiles
The micro missile mod provides a dramatic temporary power increase, allowing the firing of up to six explosive missiles which detonate on impact. The missiles have minor homing abilities. Reloading is necessary in between salvos.


Precision Bolt[edit]

Precision Bolt movement speed is increased by 15%
Fast Loader
Precision Bolt reload speed increased by 20%
Headshot Blast
A headshot kill will set off a powerful, secondary blast that deals damage to nearby demons
Mod is unlocked by performing 75 headshots while scoped in with the Precision Bolt mod

Micro Missiles[edit]

Quick Recharger
Micro Missile reload time is decreased by 35%
Instant Loader
Micro Missile load time is decreased by 75%
Primary Charger
Kills with the Heavy Cannon will boost Micro Missiles damage by 30% for 5 seconds
Bottomless Missiles
Fire Micro Missiles indefinitely without requiring a reload
Mod is unlocked by hitting at least three enemies in a single Micro Missile volley 15 times

Doom Eternal Heavy Assault Rifle


A common complaint among users of this punch-packing conventional weapon is the weight, as most of the component parts are forged in Tungstronium, a proprietary alloy developed to withstand the enormous stresses imparted by the optional exploding dart ammunition. However, the additional weight makes the Heavy Cannon an ideal sniper rifle, as swaying and tremors are mitigated by the massive bulk. Trigger management is of the highest priority when using this weapon, as self-inflicted gunshot wounds are common thanks to its no-pull reflex trigger system.

Doom Heavy Assault Rifle Upgrade


QuakeCon 2018[edit]

The heavy cannon is one of the two main weapons that the Doom Slayer starts with during a modified version of the Super Gore Nest level (in which it is accurate to begin the level with the heavy cannon, as it is obtained much earlier), the other being the Super Shotgun. It is noted that throughout the gameplay reveal, the micro missile mod has yet to be seen at that time, hence, only the Precision bolt mod is used all throughout.


  • The heavy cannon in use during the 2018 reveal.

Weapons from Doom Eternal
Single player:Ballista • BFG-9000 • Chaingun • Chainsaw • Combat shotgun • Crucible • Heavy cannon • Plasma rifle • Rocket launcher • Super shotgun • Unmaykr
Side arms:Doomblade • Flame belch • Frag grenade • Ice bomb
Offensive abilities:Blood punch • Dash
Progression:Weapon modification • Weapon upgrade
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