Eso How To Use Addons

There are a few different ways you can install new addons in the Elder Scrolls Online.

My absolute recommendation is by using Minion. It is by far the most convenient solution overall. You can also install them manually should you prefer to.

Quick Start Tutorial for Creating Your First Addon. Conceptual Introduction: Lua is the scripting language addons use to work with ESO. A double dash (-) creates a comment in Lua. This is a comment. Be sure to use comments a lot, and get used to reading them:) Scripting is not trivial. Use your references extensively and frequently. The Elder Scrolls Online, AddOns and Mods Community. Addons ESO Guides ESO Tamriel Trade Centre Guide A really good community website that allows you to find and search for items you are looking to buy from guild traders in the Elder Scrolls Online! Good question @FloppybelDunsi, I would guess that we won't be able to use Addons for ESO on Stadia. The reason is pretty simple, on PC we are installing the game on the PC in a specific folder and when we download addons, those will be (either manually or via Minion) unpacked in the Addon-Folder of the game.

In this article I will show you both how to install ESO addons using Minion and how to install them manually.

Be careful not to install TOO many addons though as it will make your game run much slower.

Check out our 10 essential ESO addons list to get you started after you’ve familiarized yourself with how to install addons.

Install addons using Minion

Minion is a third party software which allows you to easily install and manage your ESO addons within one unified interface.

Not only will minion let you easily install addons with the click of a button, it will also make it super easy to keep track of and update your already installed addons.

If you would like to go for Minion, follow these simple steps to get started:

First, download and install Minion from this link.

Once the installer has finished, launch Minion.

Minion will request to scan your computer for installed games. Make sure Elder Scrolls Online is checked and hit Continue.

When this is done, you can click Find More in the upper menu to search for addons you would like to install.

Once you find your desired addon, simply click install and let minion do the rest of the work.

Under the Installed tab minion will list all your addons, it will also let you know which ones are out of date and need updating.

To update your addons, simply click Update All in the upper left corner of Minion.

Eso How To Use Addons

I love having all my addons in one place where I can easily check for updates and install more addons, I am certain you will feel the same!

Next we will look into how you can install your addons manually.

Install addons manually

To install addons manually in you first need to download the addons you want.

By far the biggest database for ESO addons is

Once you have downloaded your addons, place them in the ESO addon folder.

The default location for the addon folder is:

C:Users[*YOUR USERNAME*]DocumentsElder Scrolls OnlineliveAddOns

Replace [*YOUR USERNAME*] with your own username.

Also, don’t forget to unzip the addon.

Now all you need to do is either restart your game or type /reloadui in your chat window to load up your new addon.

Out of date addons

If your addon is not loading, it may be out of date. ESO will by default NOT load addons that are out of date.

In order to load out of date addons you need to navigate to ADD-ONS from the main menu (hotkey: ESC on PC).

In the upper right hand corner of the ADD-ONS menu you will find a check box labeled “Load out of date add-ons”. Make sure to check this and hit reload UI.

Loading out of date add-ons can sometimes cause crashes if the version of the add-on is no longer compatible with the latest version of ESO.

However most of the time it is totally safe to use out of date add-ons and you don’t need to worry too much about it. Make sure to check your minion after an update has been released from ESO and you will find that most of your addons have already been updated for the latest version of game.

How to do a DPS Parse & Optimize Your Damage in ESO

This Elder Scrolls Online guide teaches you how to run a proper DPS parse as well as improve and optimize your damage. In addition, this guide shows you two amazing addons for PC that will make this process extremely easy and give you a detailed explanation of the damage your doing and how your Champion Points can be improved to increase your damage output.

Eso How To Install Addons

First question that people always ask is “what is a parse?” Simply put, a parse is like a snapshot of how much damage a character can deal in a certain time period. Guild leaders and trials leaders like to know how much DPS someone can parse when determining if they are eligible to join their raid team. To measure this, we use target dummies, which can be purchased and placed in your player home to use for damage parsing. The three primary dummies you’ll be using to DPS parse are as follows:

  • Target Skeleton – A target dummy with 3 million health. Most commonly used by newer players or to just get a quick snapshot of what your damage looks like.
  • Robust Target Skeleton – A target dummy with 6 million health. This dummy is the gold standard for trials, and when most group leaders ask for a parse, they want it done on the Robust Skeleton since the longer fight puts a bit more strain on your sustain (which better mimics a trials environment).
  • Iron Atronach – A target dummy with 21 million health that also has all buffs/debuffs that would be present in a trial, as well as provides the Shards synergy periodically to help with resource sustain. This dummy is great for solo parsing (since major penetration buffs, elemental drain, shards synergy, etc are provided by the dummy) and getting a rough idea of how much damage your build will deal with all raid buffs running.

There are some “standards” though that you do need to follow when doing a DPS parse. These standards are helpful for establishing how much damage you’ll pull in a trials environment. These standards include allowed help from outside players, as well as how much penetration your character should have, and they are as follows:

  • Use the 6 million dummy or the 21 million dummy. Guilds typically want to see one of these parses, as the 3 million dummy parses don’t last long enough to more accurately simulate a raid encounter’s duration.
    • Note that if you are using the Iron Atronach, you do not need the outside help such as Piercing Mark & Energy Orbs as the Iron Atronach will provide those buffs for you.
  • A Nightblade can use piercing mark for classes that dont have access to major fracture in their kit, so if your parsing as a Stamina Necromancer, Stamina Sorcerer or Stamina Templar. This is allowed since major fracture will always be present in a group environment.
  • All magicka DPS will remove their damage shield/defensive skill and replace it with Elemental Drain, which should be maintained at all times throughout the parse. This provides major breach and minor magickasteal. This is allowed since a healer will always be providing these debuffs inside of a group enironment.
  • Your maximum physical or spell penetration is limited to a maximum value of about 12K. If you want the explanation as to why, check this guide out.
  • Energy Orbs can be provided by a healer for resource sustain and to help procs sets that require a synergy. Again, these will always be present in a group environment.

How To Download Eso Addons

Recommended addons for DPS parsing:

Eso How To Install Addons Steam

  • Combat Metrics: This is the gold standard damage parsing addon. Gives an extremely detailed report on your damage parses which are incredibly helpful for improving and getting a look into how your parse went.
  • Constellations: You can import combat metrics parses into this addon, and it will help optimize your blue CP for your particular setup to help you get as much damage at of your champion points as possible.