Final Fantasy Tactics Squire

Squire is one of the classes in Final Fantasy Tactics (FFT). There are a ton of classes in FFT and it can be overwhelming trying to figure out which is the right one. Which skills and abilities are good? Which classes are good? This guide will tell you everything you need to know about the Final Fantasy Tactics Squire Class.

Squire job command. Strike enemies with fierce attacks and beginner's luck. Caves of Narshe: Final Fantasy Tactics Version 6 ©1997–2020 Josh Alvies (Rangers51) All fanfiction and fanart (including original artwork in forum avatars) is property of the original authors. Some graphics property of Square Enix. Released as the Final Fantasy series' first tactical RPG in 1997, Final Fantasy Tactics on Playstation went on to sell over 2.4 million copies worldwide. The game grew in popularity upon its re-release in 2007 as Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions for the PSP with added features such as new movies, scenarios and Jobs. Final Fantasy Tactics Job Sprites: Squire. Final Fantasy Tactics Job Sprites: Squire. Final Fantasy Tactics Jobs. Background Color. Palette 1 Party and Guests Palette 2 Order of the Nothern Sky Palette 3 Order of the Southern Sky.

  • Final Fantasy Tactics Class Guides:
    Squire – Chemist – Knight – Archer – Thief – Monk – Geomancer – Dragoon – Ninja – Samurai – Dark Knight – White Mage – Black Mage – Time Mage – Mystic – Summoner – Orator – Bard – DancerArithmetician – Mime – Onion Knight

Final Fantasy Tactics (FFT)

Final Fantasy Tactics Squire Quick FAQ

How do you unlock the Squire class in Final Fantasy Tactics?

How much total JP does it take to master the Squire class in Final Fantasy Tactics?

It takes 1,670 total JP to master the Squire class.

What kind of stat growths does the Squire class offer in Final Fantasy Tactics?

Squire has below average stat growths across the board, including weak physical attack growth.

What kind of skills does the Squire class learn in Final Fantasy Tactics?

Squire gains the Focus skill, which lets it accumulate attack power and gain JP, as well as a few basic skills, like increasing movement range and throwing weak projectiles.

Stat Growths – Final Fantasy Tactics Squire

(Lower is better)
HP: 11 MP: 15 SPD: 100 PA: 60 MA: 50

You wouldn’t expect the starter class to have good stat growths and… it doesn’t. The HP growth isn’t terrible, but you should get out of this class as quickly as possible because its PA growth is abysmal and it will severely impact your character’s effectiveness if you level up too much in this class.

Moveset: Fundaments – Final Fantasy Tactics Squire

Let’s be straight up with it. Every skill here is terrible except Focus, which is exceptional and integral to every grinding strategy in the game. Not only is its intended effect useful (adds +1 to PA, stacking infinitely), its real use is to generate tons of JP. Focus grants JP every time it’s used, so you can just kill every enemy except one, disable it in any number of ways, then have your characters just Focus repeatedly until you hit your JP target for the fight.

Reaction Abilities – Final Fantasy Tactics Squire

Final Fantasy Tactics Squire

Counter Tackle is adequate when you have absolutely no other Reaction Abilities whatsoever, but aside from that, it’s not good. You should replace it as quickly as possible with a skill that’s good.

Support Abilities – Final Fantasy Tactics Squire

Equip Axes is bad. Beastmaster is pretty useless. Defend is not good. JP Boost should be your go-to support ability until you’ve earned a support ability that you really want. You’ll use JP Boost most of the time.

Movement Abilities – Final Fantasy Tactics Squire

Move +1 is actually very useful. You’ll use it on every character until you get Move +2, Teleport, or another skill that’s good. It’s a decent slot-filler until you get something better.

Final fantasy tactics job abilities

Final Fantasy Tactics Squire Overall Assessment

Squire is the starter class, so of course it’s not going to be the best class in the game. You should get out of it fairly quickly, but as a starter class it’s very good and offers some basic skills that are useful for a long time. On most characters you should definitely stay in Squire long enough to learn Focus, JP Boost and Move +1. Beyond that, nothing is worthwhile, but you’ll get a lot of mileage out of those 3 skills.

That about covers it for the Final Fantasy Tactics Squire Class. Be sure to check out the Games Section for more content like this and click here for more game guides related to FFT.

Final Fantasy Tactics Class Guides:
Squire – Chemist – Knight – Archer – Thief – Monk – Geomancer – Dragoon – Ninja – Samurai – Dark Knight – White Mage – Black Mage – Time Mage – Mystic – Summoner – Orator – Bard – DancerArithmetician – Mime – Onion Knight

Dancer is one of the classes in Final Fantasy Tactics (FFT). There are a ton of classes in FFT and it can be overwhelming trying to figure out which is the right one. Which skills and abilities are good? Which classes are good? This guide will tell you everything you need to know about the Final Fantasy Tactics Dancer Class.

  • Final Fantasy Tactics Class Guides:
    Squire – Chemist – Knight – Archer – Thief – Monk – Geomancer – Dragoon – Ninja – Samurai – Dark Knight – White Mage – Black Mage – Time Mage – Mystic – Summoner – Orator – Bard – DancerArithmetician – Mime – Onion Knight

Final Fantasy Tactics Squire Abilities

Final Fantasy Tactics (FFT)

Final Fantasy Tactics Dancer Quick FAQ

How do you unlock the Dancer class in FFT WotL?

Dancer requires Geomancer level 5 and Dragoon level 5 to unlock.

What skills can the Dancer class learn in FFT WotL?

Dancer learns a variety of skills that inflict statuses and stat debuffs on all enemies.

How much total JP is required to master the Dancer class in FFT WotL?

Final Fantasy Tactics Squire

It takes 4,020 total JP to fully master the Ninja class

What are the Dancer class’s stat growths like in FFT?

Dance has below average stat growths in every category. Her HP and MP growth is especially bad.

Stat Growths – Final Fantasy Tactics Dancer

(Lower is better)
HP: 20 MP: 20 SPD: 100 PA: 50 MA: 50

Dancer has below average growths overall and especially bad HP and MP growth, but they’re better than the growths the Bard gets access to. Dancer is certainly not an ideal class to level in, like Ninja and Knight.

Moveset: Dance – Final Fantasy Tactics Dancer

Dancer’s moveset is roughly the opposite of Bard’s. In practice, it’s a better moveset overall, because inflicting bad statuses on all enemies turns the battle to your advantage much more than buffing your allies. It’s still not a very useful skillset.

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

Reaction Abilities – Final Fantasy Tactics Dancer

Fury increases PA by 1 every time you get hit. Like its counterpart on Bard, Magick Boost, it’s an alright Reaction Ability. The problem is that it’s competing with much more alluring options for that slot. Bravery Boost increases Brave every time you get hit although, by the time you’re unlocking Dancer, which has pretty steep unlocking requirements, you’ve almost assuredly maxed out your Bravery by utilizing Ramza’s skills.

Support Abilities – Final Fantasy Tactics Dancer


Dancer doesn’t offer any unique Support Abilities, so there’s nothing to discuss here.

Movement Abilities – Final Fantasy Tactics Dancer

Final Fantasy Tactics Squire Abilities

Jump +3 is a very useless skill that costs a lot of JP. Time Mage’s Teleport skill offers infinite Jump, and Ignore Elevation on Dragoon likewise eliminates Jump from the calculation, so there’s no advantage to using Jump +3. Fly, on the other hand is… also extremely useless. It combines Ignore Elevation with the ability to ignore terrain hazards, but again, Teleport also does those things.

Final Fantasy Tactics Dancer Overall Assessment

Dancer is probably slightly better than Bard in terms of its moveset, but it also doesn’t have access to Move +3 so there’s no compelling reason to pursue unlocking Dancer at all. It’s a mediocre class with very steep requirements to unlock and it’s just not worth it.

FantasyFinal Fantasy Tactics Squire

That about covers it for the Final Fantasy Tactics Dancer Class Guide. Be sure to check out the Games Section for more content like this and click here for more game guides related to FFT.

Final Fantasy Tactics Class Guides:
Squire – Chemist – Knight – Archer – Thief – Monk – Geomancer – Dragoon – Ninja – Samurai – Dark Knight – White Mage – Black Mage – Time Mage – Mystic – Summoner – Orator – Bard – DancerArithmetician – Mime – Onion Knight